20. April 2023September 18, 2023Peace Habits, Peace Habits 69 | Mowing the Lawn | Peace Habits What does mowing the lawn have to do with Peace Habits? I talked with my coach about activities I love that will lead me to my 10X goals. Mowing the lawn is one of them. I'm happy to explain.
April 19, 2023September 18, 2023Peace Habits, Peace Habits 67 | Peace Habits Conversation Guide Use this conversation guide for in-depth and thought-provoking conversations about peace habits.
April 18, 2023September 18, 2023Peace Habits 66 | Culture of Peace Let's ask those people questions that have already been there! What does a culture of peace actually look like? How do we arrive at it?
April 16, 2023September 18, 2023Peace Habits 65 | Meet Inspiring People People are awesome. Not just on YouTube. Meet real people again!
April 14, 2023September 18, 2023Peace Habits 64 | Thoughts Create Feelings When you feel good, you have wonderful thoughts. That's great! That's how living together in peace can work, too. Let's try that out!
April 13, 2023September 18, 2023Peace Habits 63 | Sparks Jump If you are so fascinated by your experiences that your inner fire sparks, then you have experienced something fantastic! Read this short story.