66 | Culture of Peace

How can a culture of peace develop today, as there is none for all? There are nations and cultures that live peacefully for decades. Let’s look at and learn from them. Let’s tell stories of what works and has served people well. Let’s try total immersion together and experience how a culture of peace unfolds, grows and blossoms.

I’m longing for testimonials from people who experienced meaningful transformations. Transformations from conflict to peace, from oppression to peace, from unrest to peace, from injustice to peace, from mistrust to peace and from so much more. It seems as if there are many reasons to distrust each other. And yet, those are only thoughts. There are many more thoughts, feelings and experiences that lead to peace. They leave clues. Clues that we can follow!

Let’s listen to people who have stories to tell. Let’s get inspired by them. Let’s be astonished. Let’s come together in large and small groups, in person or digitally. Let’s sit together and be still. Let’s spread their and our stories.

Total immersion is the clue! Individuals meet in groups, experience each other, and share ideas, hopes and visions. The groups discover new and old ideas, they come up with their own conclusions. Reflection enhances understanding of each other. When the immersion ends we go home as individuals. We are highly motivated. We tell our friends and family what we discovered: Peace is possible!