97 | Positive Peace

This is for you!

I'm glad you exist! August 23rd is my day to thank you again. I think it's just nice that we met and get along well. It's good to talk to you and see how you're developing. You don't let obstacles stop you, you go your own way. You are always a role model for me.

Authentic Happiness

Today I thought about positive psychology. It is about understanding and nurturing the factors that contribute to our well-being, happiness and personal development. It also reminds me of the fantastic book "Authentic Happiness. Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment" by Martin Seligman. This book has done me a lot of good. I think it's a great idea to look at what makes us feel good and helps us reach our full potential.

What if we focused on positive peace? We could create positive peace! What is positive peace? What is negative peace? Does it even exist?

Peace Habits

By analogy with positive psychology, positive peace is everything that is good for all of us, that promotes our happiness and helps us to develop without fear. We can listen to ourselves and experience what moves us. Maybe we hear our calling. A calling that is waiting for us. It is there and it unfolds when we have no security concerns, no worries and no bad fears. We can move towards our calling, meeting it halfway consciously and happily!

In positive peace, peace habits develop that naturally help us to increase peace. Peace habits are habits like taking care of ourselves, exercising, eating well, stimulating our minds, challenging ourselves and growing from it. They are also habits that strengthen our common good, whether through actions, words, or money. They are habits of how we treat one another, how we value one another, what we trust one another to do in our families, in our circles of friends, in our businesses, in our associations, in our societies, and across the frontiers all over the world. These are just the obvious habits of peace; there are many, many more. And the beauty is that they can be learned.

I feel positive peace when I meet you. There is joy, friendship, interest, attention, appreciation, kindness, trust, room for challenge, room for growth and development, and lots of room for emotion. I love to laugh with you!

My thanks to you

May your life's journey bring you many more wonderful encounters and friendships. I wish you to meet people who inspire you and encourage you in your endeavors. I wish you the courage to continue building positive peace and to always feel good. Because when you feel good, it's a blessing to be with you. Your joy is contagious. I'm glad you exist!