16 | Decide. Replace. Improve!
Apply these 2 steps: (1) Just decide that you're going to change it right now, at this moment. (2) Then replace it with a better habit. What would you really like to change right now?
Lebe ein ausgezeichnetes Leben
Apply these 2 steps: (1) Just decide that you're going to change it right now, at this moment. (2) Then replace it with a better habit. What would you really like to change right now?
Self-discipline lets us check, realign or adjust the course and arrive safely where we want to go. Getting to the destination is what we all want! - Every day is important!
What do you do if the worst-case scenario that we don't think is possible does happen, like COVID and the flood? Do you have your own emergency plan just in case? - Be prepared at all times!
Transform loneliness into well-being in abundance. Let yourself be touched again. Imagine this transformation as if it would take place in a box. You enter with your loneliness and leave the box without it! Are you curious how this works?
I have a long-term goal: I want to set up a foundation that supports people in encountering each other.
That sounds a lot like "enjoy the process" to me. How do I get onto that? - I want to move forward. – What enables you to break free from your stagnation?
Würde es dir helfen zu wissen, dass wir Menschen, egal wann und wo wir leben, immer mal wieder diese Gedanken haben: “Wir sind nicht genug” und “Mit uns stimmt etwas nicht”?
What do you need to do to feel alive now? - What does that mean for our everyday life? Do we need to shift down a gear, or do we disengage and just roll? Do we put a focus on doing less, slowing down and relaxing? Is that when flow comes?
What memories come to you when you think of a nice, crackling campfire? Right now, the thought of the song Country Roads pops into my head.
We lie there and laugh with each other. The air in the tent is warm. The wind brushes over it. We are in awe. Finally, it's time to be astonished again!
Lost between focus and everything else? How do you gain clarity? - Momentum is a key. - Do you actually reward yourself when you succeed at focusing?
Michael Neill learned it from Syd Banks. Both are clear on this: the thoughts we have shape our feelings. Our feelings become our actions. With this in mind what do you think about your relationship?
How much fun that was, first a little pre-glow. Then at 11 p.m. we went downtown. Waiting in line for at the club for a while. Getting a ticket. Stamp on the back of the hand, drop off the jacket and enter the dance floor.
Act! Take on responsibility for your life. Find the right answers for the challenges in your life. Accomplish the tasks that come your way.