Imagine the roles you want to play with pictures, feelings and words. Give yourself a preview of your coming attractions. What you see, is what you get. Who you feel, is who you are. It is not what you are that holds you back, it’s what you think you are not.
Dr. Denis Waitley
Simple? Imagine who you want to be. Imagine it in pictures, in feelings, and in words. Visualize what you want to have, and where. Waitley isn't the only one promoting this approach.
Tony Robbins tut es, er nennt es „Priming“. Für das Priming ist es wichtig, dass du bereits weißt, was du haben möchtest. Du stellst dir vor, welche Rolle du haben willst, welche Beziehung, an welchem Ort du sein willst, wie du dich fühlst, wenn du es geschafft hast und wie du dann mit dir sprichst. Im Priming versetzt du dich in einen schönen Zustand und visualisierst dann deinen Wunsch als erfüllt. In welcher Beziehung möchtest du also leben?
What kind of partner do you desire?
Michael Neill also says this similarly and he got it from Syd Banks. The thoughts you have shape your feelings and your feelings become your actions. Neill calls Banks' "aha!" insight the formula for miracles. The formula is: mind + thought + consciousness = reality. Both say that if you want to create a new reality, such as a new relationship, a new love, all it takes is a new thought.
The question arises, if it is so simple, why are we all not in wonderful relationships? Are there too few partners? Maybe. I don't know. I do know, though, that I didn't know all that. I have found my partners so far because it happened. We met, got to know each other and fell in love. - That's been great.
Banks, Neill, Robbins and Waitley suggest taking charge. To dare life and to take on repsonsibility. Imagine what you want to experience and with whom. Then it is important to move towards it actively and according to plan.
It is important to understand that we are what we feel, because our actions follow from this. So if it is really true that we are holding us back or preventing ourselves from what we really want, because we think that this is not at us, then it is time to let go of this old thought and simply replace it with a beautiful new thought about ourselves.
Let's just try it out. Let's think about beautiful, excellent relationships! And then, let's bring them to life!
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Coaching for you?
At this point I recommend you take the online coaching program at PaarBalance (only available in German).
The PaarBalance program was developed on the basis of the latest research findings on satisfaction and stability in partnerships.