I am so happy that I stayed up late! Curious to hear the coach’s voice, her ideas, her questions and how she would push me forward to gain insight. My biggest takeaway is that pictures help me to change my thoughts.
I can see a bunch of us sitting near Mt Pinnacle waiting for the sunset. I anticipate the fantastic time that we will have together. I feel our energy there!
Whenever my energy drops, I will follow this plan:
- Look at the picture
- Stand up and breathe (4 rounds of breathing in for four, holding for four, breathing out for four and holding for four)
- Re-center: Think of what can I do now or this evening (do it directly or write it down on paper!)
- Check-in at night: Did I do what I said I would
- Curiosity generates energy. Even if it is just a spark. I can kindle the spark and let a nice fire unfold.
Looking forward to experiencing that!