I drifted away into the off. It just happened. First I thought, I'll do that creative and beautiful writing tomorrow. The next day I was busy with other things and so three months flew by me and my blog. In recent weeks, this has also made me sad. Yet it's so easy to sit down and write to you.
So here I sit, in my study, and I write away. Finally! With writing, that is, doing, comes better mood. I'm grateful to you for giving me better vibes. Just like that. Just because you are there and you are reading my words. Maybe you read between the lines as well, and I'm grateful for that too.
I have been lacking energy lately. At first I assumed it was natural hibernation that was making me really tired. There wasn't much sun and when there was, I was sitting inside at my desk, in the home office. That said, I've also been outside a lot in the past few months, hiking and taking in fresh air and daylight.
And yet I felt totally knocked out!
I let rituals slide. Got up just before work. The only ritual that stuck was drinking coffee in the morning. Everything else had shifted. Exercise became less, I skipped stretching exercises, meditation was postponed to the day or evening. In the evening I turned on the TV and drifted off. It's clear that this does not lead to a pleasant attitude towards life.
My breakthrough came yesterday, finally. Just like that! I arranged to have coffee and laughter with a good friend early in the morning, just after the sun came up. That was super good for me!
In following I stretched and meditated, then after a delicious breakfast I started my work day in a really good mood and with zest. Much of my work routine felt lighter. I got more done, with ease.
At the same time, I realized once again, I have more energy and as a result more lightness when I get up early, exercise, stretch, meditate, have a good breakfast, laugh a lot, surround myself with inspiring ideas, talk to friends, be mindfully active, reflect and write.
This morning I heard Brendon say that many of us desire deep, real and meaningful friendships/relationships. That's right! I desire the same for myself and for you.
Retracting yourself, starting the day just before work, not going outside, not being with other, good people, staring at the TV in the evening leads in a completely different direction. It leads to loneliness. Implementing ideas in loneliness doesn't work well for me.
I feel a boost. Tomorrow I will start the day with the sunrise. Outside. Tomorrow I'll be back here, as well. I will write to you. Embracing not waiting.
Sports, nutrition and relationship. I want to take you with me on my journey. I'll share with you what's happening and what's changing. I'll tell you about the energy that will grow stronger, that will bring me lightness. That's exactly what I wish for you too, more lightness at last for your excellent life.
Thank you!