52 | Done. I'm tired though

Hooray, I was out at sunrise. That was day 1. I'm not really euphoric yet. To be honest, I'm just tired right now.

Yesterday I wrote about missing the exact plan of how I plan to reach my goal. I still lack the plan. For today, that's okay. My plan to make my routine different feels a bit like putting a garage or shed in order: Space is limited. Stuff is everywhere.

Cleaning out the garage I think is great in principle, I just very rarely take the time to do it. It takes a lot of time and nice weather. Empty the driveway, clean out the garage, muck out, create new storage space and re-sort. It does sound a bit like a plan. How much time do I set aside for this? When can I take a lunch break? Do I have something prepared or do I have to leave my garage open and hope nothing gets lost? What do I do if the weather or conditions suddenly change? How much time do I have to linger on exciting finds? What can I recycle or give new meaning to? How do I know I've reached my goal and how do I celebrate it?

Ich habe heute Morgen alles das geschafft, was ich mir vorgenommen hatte. Es fühlt sich jedoch nicht so an, als würde ich meine Garagen aufräumen. Ich fühle mich müde. Das erinnert mich an meinen Blogartikel „It's Time to Get Active Again!“ Es geht darin sich bewusst zu machen. dass es immer Widerstände geben wird, wenn wir uns auf den Weg machen. Dabei ist das Ziel egal und der Weg auch. Die Widerstände gehören dazu.

The conditions I created yesterday were not ideal either. In the early evening I drank Mio Mate, then of course I worked the whole evening nicely concentrated and as a result I fell asleep really badly. I lay awake for a long time.

Nevertheless, getting up worked. As an extra boost and motivation, I like to listen to Mindshift on youtube. The 6 minute film is all about doing. The film motivates me a lot to get up. What do you always like to watch, what motivates you about it?

Tomorrow everything to zero. Everything again. For tomorrow, I plan to feel good from the moment I open my eyes.

Good night to you!