35 | The Messy Middle

This year is so different from last year. While I was more optimistic last year that the pandemic would be conquered quickly. I am rather realistic this year that it will still stick with us for quite a while. Last year I kept my hopes high. This year some days are worse than others. On some days I just feel like staying in bed all day long. But there’s more difference this year and that is exciting! I discovered the digital landscape. I engaged in virtual meetings and training. Fantastic! I love it!

Anfang des Jahres habe ich an Tony Robbins‘ „New World New You Challenge“ teilgenommen. Diese 5-tägige Veranstaltung hat mich mit Freude und Optimismus erfüllt. Im Februar habe ich NLP studiert und mich dann dem Ultimate Coaching Programm von David Key angeschlossen. Im März verbrachte ich 5 virtuelle Tage in Kalifornien bei „Unleash the Power Within Virtual“. Jetlag inklusive, jedoch ohne hinzufliegen.

Tony Robbins taught me to break through my limiting believes and helped me put empowering believe into action. I met very many interesting people online in private groups at Facebook, at Zoom Meetings, in breakout rooms. We all share the believes that there is more to life, there is more power within us and there is the real possibility to achieve our new goals.

Clarity is power: See things as they are, not worse than it is. See it better than it is. Make it the way you see it!

Tony Robbins

Ich habe auch an Dean Graziosis und Tony Robbins Veranstaltung teilgenommen: „Own Your Future Challenge“. Es erstaunt mich, dass dort Menschen sprachen, deren Bücher ich bereits gelesen habe. Ich war gespannt darauf, Russel Brunson kennen zu lernen.

What really fascinates me about these online events is that the energy of us there jumps the internet. It jumps right out of my screen and through my eyes into my body. The speakers are on fire! They walk their talk. They love what they do and present it with honesty and passion. Their energy adds to my fire!

Jenna Kutcher talked there too. She’s an amazing woman. She’s alive! And she has clarity and power. Her words touched me. Her energy jumped right into my eyes! What struck me most is this:

Show the messy middle of being on the path.

Jenna Kutcher

My blog is neat and clean. It is clean because I want it to be attractive. I want to show you that my coaching is attractive. It does not show you the mess. But growing into coaching is messy. Growing into different roles in life is messy. I want to grow into a different role at work right now.

Jenna is right that the middle is messy. I would like to add the following picture as well. Planting seeds, growing them, watering them, the heat, the cold, drought, too much water, too much bird shit on the plants – all that is messy as well. But sowing the seeds, growing them, and preparing the harvest all belong together. It is the messy part of the path to becoming. It is the real authentic life. It is our life in the middle. It is the path that overcomes the gap from where we stand to where we want to go.

That is why I decided to share more about what is going on on my path to becoming the best version of myself. On supporting you to become your best version of yourself.

Our mind is always looking for ways what doesn’t work. And then we often get stuck in the tyranny of how. I trip over many different situations of my life:

  • relationships
  • food and healthy activities i.e. sport and stretching
  • trying to meditate at best in the mornings, but often I’m tired
  • being on time for work and being my best self there
  • relaxed, optimistic and resilient
  • following my vision through the thick fog
  • staying optimistic that scouting will be possible soon again
  • Scouting is all about meeting and interaction, which is not possible in person right now
  • learning different tools of coaching
  • finding my own way
  • attracting the people that I’m longing for into my life and recognizing them when they are right in front of me
  • blogging
  • sharing the real-life and striving for the outstanding life
  • zu viel Zeit mit unbedeutenden Aktivitäten oder Programmen verbringen, die nur „kostbare Zeit verbrauchen“
  • forgetting languages: Arabic and French is getting worse
  • education: primary, german high school, Canadian high school, university, college, non-formal education, training and webinars
  • collecting knowledge instead of putting it into action

What lets you stumble? Are you interested in learning about shortcuts to cut through the clutter? I would love to talk with you one day and find out more about you. You must be an interesting person. If you read until here and did not click the back button there is something that connects us. I’m looking forward to meeting you! If you like to as well please drop me a line at coaching@karlgoldstein.de.

Have a great day! Take care.