Und hier ist noch ein schönes Buch aus der Reihe #getunstuck. Chris Guillebeau hat das Buch „Start-Up. Wie Sie mit weniger als 100 Euro ein Unternehmen auf die Beine stellen und Ihr eigner Chef werden.“ geschrieben. Es ermöglicht uns den eigenen Powerknopf zu drücken. Es ist Zeit, loszulegen und durchzustarten und wenn nötig, immer wieder.
Chris Guillebeau writes stories of people who, against all odds, became entrepreneurs because they followed their intuition. These people inspired him with their experiences. Their stories can be an inspiration for us as well. An inspiration at times when we feel discouraged.
Good stories are infectious. Good stories remind us to be on the road to success ourselves. And being on the road is simply beautiful!
It's true, if you yourself feel down and don't know how to get going, you can be inspired by other people and their life's journey. Often you get a ray of hope, sometimes in the form of a thought. At best a really nice "aha!" moment.
Lass deinen Aha!-Moment nicht verklingen. Mach dir Notizen dazu und erinnere dich an deine Gedanken, wenn du das nächste Mal nicht weiter weißt. Lies sie dir selber wieder vor. Lass dich von der Inspiration erneut motivieren. Alles was du brauchst ist ein Funke Hoffnung.
Guillebeau also describes how it works to get started with very little basics, whether it's startup capital or knowledge of business science. He believes an idea can be turned into a successful business. It is easier than we think.
I love to hear and read such motivations! It reminds me of another beautiful book: "Kopf schlägt Kapital" by Günter Faltin. Both authors are not deterred by predetermined paths, structures, processes, or much else. They think of something and then pursue their ideas. They try out what they feel like. They enjoy their creativity and trust themselves to find the right solutions.
Nothing will work if you don't work.
Maya Angelou
Listening and reading are important steps, wellbeing is also part of it. If you are not well, then you may not develop creatively. That is the normal state. But if you want to set out, if you want to change something, if you want to live differently, then this is only possible by doing it. Detach yourself from doing nothing. Create structures or periods of time in which you can do the work. Flip your own switch, turn yourself on and become active.
It is worth it!