130 | A Plan to Counteract

Today I have achieved the most important thing. It is my first step into the 5 AM Club. I have decided to change my daily routine: go to bed earlier, fall asleep earlier, sleep better, get up earlier and then write. I finally want to write much more again. And now I am sitting here, on schedule and I intend to stick to my plan today. Step by step. Just like I am sitting here now and writing: word by word.

I like it when thoughts come out of me and appear on the screen via my fingers, the keyboard and what the computer makes of it. That way I can also read my thoughts to myself directly. I'm just thinking about whether I speak the sentences in my head as I type, so that it's not really reading, but my eyes just perceive a confirmation. – It's time to let these thoughts move on.

Letting thoughts flow is one of the most important lessons I have learned in my life. I feel confirmed in it every day. Countless thoughts really shoot through my head every day, and not every one of them is welcome. Most thoughts are super positive, but some are not. Most of those that are not do not stay. I do not invite them to linger. In other words, when my glass is half full, it is already ready to be filled with more positive things, to the brim. These can be new thoughts, inspired by other people, animals, nature or our universe.

And if a negative thought does slow me down, stops me in my tracks, creates melancholy feelings, then it is all the more important to activate methods that will make these feelings and thoughts disappear again. Like a train going nowhere. The main thing is that these feelings and thoughts leave me again. To be honest, that doesn't always work. Sometimes I get stuck on them. Then I feel really bad. Yesterday I felt lonely. Then I felt a lack of energy. Everything I touched seemed to go wrong.

So what do you do when a thought doesn't do you any good? Recognize it as a thought. Act: move on. Goodbye.

If that doesn't work: drink some water, take a deep breath. Seek inspiration, what are my favorite topics again, who has said something new or beautiful about them? What can I imagine that is beautiful? What are my next steps? Is there a great challenge for me? Who can I ask about it? What is the best question I can ask them to further stimulate my curiosity? Who do I want to tell about my plans next? What are my next steps overall? Clarity returns.

Clarity is like the light of a candle.

There is a quote that is shown to me in the Insight Timer very, very often now: “The light of a single candle cannot be extinguished by all the darkness”.

It's the same with clarity. If we are clear about what we want to achieve, we feel better.

Of course, there are days when nothing seems to help. This is a fallacy that is also based on negative thinking. In such moments, exercise helps. Getting moving. Going for a walk, no matter what the weather. When my mood is really bad, a walk in the “miserable” rain often reminds me how beautiful our nature can be. Going for a walk is one thing. It's even better to incorporate a sporting component into your weekly routine. A few years ago it was weight training for me. Today it's swimming. Sport almost automatically leads to better thoughts. During training I concentrate on my breathing, my muscles and my movements. There is no room for negative thoughts. And after training, the chemical composition of my body has changed for the better. The happiness hormones help me to feel better.

So with this counter-plan for negative thoughts, I wish you and me a good start to the day. Have a wonderful day, that's exactly what I wish for you and me!